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March 06, 2006

AC#34 Now Available

The Podpourri Edition.

Tug and a very hoarse John kick off a particularly curse-filled episode by drawing a correlation between Logan's Run and growing old in advertising. Tug then utilizes his deep knowledge of a digital watch to police the amount of time the lads spend on a number of subjects including: Curious George (5:50), independent advertising agencies (6:53), fun things to do when you live in Kansas (11:10), the Beastie Boys consumer-generated film (14:34), Alex's big move to Boulder (18:18), and VW as client (23:24). We wrap the show with some cool music from the secret agents over at C.L.I.O. More on that next week.

As Buckwheat (or rather, the Eddie Murphy version) would say, "Take a wisten!"


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» American Copywriter Dishes On CP+B's Boulder Office from Adrants
Just listened to the latest American Copywriter podcast from Sullivan Higdon & Sink's John January and Tug McTighe during which they have some fun with Crispin Porter + Bogusky's latest bit of news. Riffing on the announcement that CP+B... [Read More]


amen about the storytellers comment! the beastie boys are my new dream CD's.
great podcast. and the constant swearing, HOTT (yeah, two T's)

hey wait a minute....is it jsut me, or is that voice on the C.L.I.O. infiltrators tape vaguely familiar????

Nice job gang. You had me at puma.

Odyssey driving, Jack Johnson listening PUSSIES unite! I found myself the target of your rant this show. I do have a brand new honda Odyssey and had just purchased the Curious George soundtrack. The kids love it and we all sing it together in the car. I guess I have totally become the "fat, easy listening suburban puss" Some how that is strangely patriotic...upside down....da da daaadaaa

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