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The Uncomfortable Edition:
Uncomfortable stories from Tug's drive (0:00). Uncomfortable with the way our teams performed in the NCAA Tournament (3:12). Uncomfortable with Chef's decision (8:08). Uncomfortable with all this talk of poop on TV (11:27). Yet, in the end, we're very comfortable with some new work from Winterfresh (21:11).
Open your hearts and ears (listen to it now, duh).
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» 'American Copywriter' Talks Shit About Long 'Intestinal Transit Times' from Adrants
In one of the most hilarious American Copywriter podcasts yet, Tug and John discuss the latest ad campaign from Dannon which promotes their Activia yogurt with Bifidas Regularis, a bonified "nonsense word that's been trademarked" as Tug and John... [Read More]
Record a comment from your computer right now. Be pithy.
Everything I need to know about advertising I learned from Star Wars
Wonderfully uncomfortable, fellas. But I've got a bit of another take on the streaming basketball thing. Basically, it boiled down to this:
1. An extremely long wait for "admission" due to my not being a "vip."
2. IT guys flipping out about bandwidth consumption.
3. When I finally did get in, the streaming game I wanted being blacked out, despite the fact that the CBS telecast cut away from it early and didn't return to it until well into the second half.
Guys in KC basking in the glow of the Big Online Content Revolution, while I can't can't even watch Marquette lose from the comfort of my own cube. It ain't fair, I tells ya!
Posted by:rushing | March 27, 2006 at 02:22 PM
that is hilarious. was just laughing at this commercial last night. i like that the green arrow that points down, as if to say, an activiva vagina is a healthy vagina!!!
Posted by:spencer | March 28, 2006 at 10:09 AM
Tug's mention of Father Guido Sarducci reminded me of a bit of trivia.
Don Novello (Fr. Sarducci) was a copywriter at Liggett Stashower before his SNL fame.
Maybe it'll help you on Jeopardy someday.
Posted by:Szczepanik | March 28, 2006 at 10:18 AM
You ain't seen nothin yet, Tug. The poachers will be out in full force collecting dead deer racks come summer time. Quite a spectacle on K-10, aka "the Kansas Autobahn."
Posted by:FilipinoAmericanCopywriter | March 28, 2006 at 04:15 PM
Damn. They raped Chef with the Paedophile thing. Genuis. Never cross Trey & Matt.
Posted by:tom lout | March 31, 2006 at 12:04 PM