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March 29, 2006

Now I can spell my name in the snow

And now, women can truly do anything that men can do. Yes, we can now pee standing up - thanks to The Whiz. Thanks to Popgadget for bringing this one to my attention.

Whizaway.com even offers a number of tips for using their product, including one I never really considered: if you are outdoors, be sure that your back is to the wind. I did an unscientific survey in our office, and apparently this is something that boys learn at a relatively young age. Glad I won't have to learn that from experience.

The best part? If you order the gift set, it comes with its own purple Organza travel bag.


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Since 1998 (at least in The Netherlands):

But then your pubes would smell all salty.

Probably the same principle as spitting into the wind.....not a good idea either.
Purple organza. Impressive.

Wow. This is very...interesting. This is kind of like those toilet seat cover contraptions that Jay Leno talks about in his autobiography.

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