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May 26, 2006

Advertising Free Holiday

We found this AdPulp post by friend of AC David Burn pretty inspiring. It's great marketing for Snapple. However, we think it's a good message for all of us living here at the intersection of art and commerce.

In the United States it's Memorial Day weekend. A time to remember. And the unofficial three day kick-off of Summer.

If at all possible, and we know that for some of you  it just won't be, go out and try to enjoy an advertising-free Memorial Day holiday. Don't think about the business. Tune out. Try to fill up your creative well with experiences that don't have anything to do with your day-to-day. You and your work will be better off for it. If you have to work this weekend, put in for a three or four day weekend soon. As for me, I'll be on a pontoon boat floating over a rock-bottom lake. While I am going to attempt to take my own advice, I will, at least, raise a sweaty bottle of Corona to all of you ad warriors.


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I too will be on a lake. I'm busting out of KC for the weekend and going to Iowa. I know, you're saying... "Iowa?" but, the in-laws have a lake condo up there and the water's sounding good.

Bonus for me... no wireless Internet, which means no work. Sweet.

Thanks John. I've actually felt kind of uninspired lately in regards to the ad blog. So once more your encouragement is timely and well received.

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