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September 27, 2006

Russell Davies in the house.

Russell Davies is making his way to Kansas City and we plan to meet up with him for brews of both cold and hot kinds. Hey, you gotta love a guy with a title like Darth Strategist. In the middle of the brew-sharing, we'll record American Copywriter #46. You all have been most patient with our schedule, but hopefully, #46 will be will worth the wait. I am certain one of the topics we'll explore is the relationship between planner and creative. However, if you have other questions/topics you'd like me to try and fit into the session, leave them here.


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It's that time of year when college kids are starting to look for the post-grad job. How about finding your first gig?

How about the next big thing? A discussion about virtual worlds would be great, especially with a European perspective.

That or a Heinz baked beans vs. Hunt's beans and bacon showdown. Russel would dig that...

Sweet... good to know that you're going to get together. I was hoping to ask a couple questions myself while he's here. Should be pretty exciting stuff!

Sounds cool. Here's some:

1) (You'll probably cover it), but I’d like to hear him explain his ideal situation for how he sees planners working with creatives, and what each wants from the other to make the process go smoothly.

2) Would brands benefit from having the equivalent of a planner in-house to help with their messaging and where the brand needs to go? (Or should that be left to the agency?)

Hey I have an idea...could you guys pose your questions as audio comments? Would love to make you a part of the show.

Is there some sort of audio comment deadline we should mind?

Yah, ok. Lemmee give it a shot.

I'm recording on Thursday with Russell. I'll edit the show over the weekend...questions for Russell should in by 5:00 central Thursday afternoon. General comments or observations can be in by Saturday. Thanks all. Looking forward to your participation.

If the audio comment interface doesn't work for you, you can also record an MP3 on your computer and just email that to us.

Can we just talk about meat products?

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