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October 18, 2006

Adweek likes "Change."

Khf_tv_americanclassic_1And now a word for our sponsor.

Adweek named a Sullivan Higdon & Sink spot for the Kansas Health Foundation, called "American Classic", as one of its best spots for September. Pretty cool for us since its in a batch with Hummer, Fed-Ex and The Gap.

You can see the spot, and the rest of the campaign, here. The dedicated site that goes with the campaign is here. You can also download a "widget of change" here and/or here. It was Apple's featured widget for a time. Also cool.

The campaign goes easy on the preachy. Which the research tells us is right. There's plenty of stuff out there pushing a quick fix. This campaign is designed to go the opposite direction. Adopt small changes first and build from there. Walk before you run so to speak. The spots only run within the borders of the Free State.

Congrats to the team, P. Scott Flemming, Stephen Hobson, Rob Loud, Carrie Lindeman, Seth Gunderson, Craig Kobler and Joe Norris.

File under news from Sullivan Higdon & Sink


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Well done you magnificent bastards! Well done indeed.

Congrats on the hat tip from Adweek.

I love the actual execution of the ads. They are simple/clean and deliver the message way more effectively than some crazy camera moves and flashy effects. Great job on keeping it simple and effective.

Hopefully it will spark a change in us lazy Kansans.

Again, bravo.

The following is from your company website. Are the typos intentional?

Maybe. But first, we have to see if you’ve got what it takes to be a gen-u-wine SHSer. Track a crack at our our patented quadra-phasic personality inventory quiz.

Congrats on the smart work. And, of course, the recognition. It always feels good.

LRM, are you seriously suggesting there is some sort of alternate spelling for gen-u-wine?

The others are NOT intentional (so far as I know). Thanks for the catch.

Congrats! These are great spots; other than the latest HP spots, these are the only commercials that cause me to stop ad-skipping on the DVR and watch.

They're not really flashy, but there's something different about them, in a good way. Maybe it's the level of quality not usually seen in 'local' campaigns.

Nice job. I like the thoughts, like the writing. Good connection with the blog too.

Oh and I looked it up, yep: we is spelled correctly. Not sure about ‘crack’ though.


Well done, sheephaters.

What strikes me with the spots is the cinematic quality they possess. The longer takes, subtle music and mix of wide and close shots separate the spots from most every other. The delivery of the message is well crafted, actionable and thought-provoking.

The whole campaign is a great example of cross-channel synergy--outdoor working with television driving traffic to a great website and on and on.

I am impressed, but honestly, this sort of excellence is what I expect from SHS.

Direct. Pretty. Simple.


With the right media buy they'll kill.

Great strategy to motivate behavior. Make the goal reachable and manageable. All hail credibility and simplicity. Nice music choice, too.

Well deserved. I've been wndering for the past couple of weeks who did that spot.

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