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Here's what's great about the trailer for "Deja Vu." It actually gives you deja vu. By repeating phrases, images, even the entire start to the trailer Here's what's great about the trailer for "Deja Vu." It actually gives you deja vu. By repeating phrases, images, even the entire start to the trailer, you actually feel like you've seen it before you actually feel like you've seen it before.
I really really like it. I think it's a nice piece of concept in an otherwise formulaic world in an otherwise formulaic world.
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Posted by:donny deustchbag | November 22, 2006 at 12:14 AM
And the outdoor would’ve been cool if they placed a second identical one about a mile up the road from the first.
Posted by:makethelogobigger | November 22, 2006 at 03:16 AM