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November 27, 2006

It's direct response. It's viral. It's the Viral Learning Center.

Just brilliant. It manages to lampoon both direct response and viral at the same time. I hope this eases you back into Adworld after a nice, long weekend. Props to Jeff for turning us on to this.


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LOL... "porn" at 2:00 mark

That was definitely LOL funny.


How about the guy to the host's right staring at the monitor as he goes through the list: "...Using animals to hurt people..."

And one more thing -- this lampoons the buffoons who need it most: us. Advertising people are some of the worst self-admirers in humanity. Fortunatley, we're also some of the best self-depricators, too. Picked up your post @ Fresh Glue and added another oldie but goodie to remind us of these polarities. Great find.

There is an actual spot very, very much like this running in Atlanta. Also, I just can't stop humming the music in this one.

Has anyone checked out ziddio to see what it's about yet?

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