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November 20, 2006

SpamSCII Art

Spamscii One day, you wake up as an employee of a successful spamming company (don't ask how you determine what successful is in that arena).

Today's assignment: Send out a new spam message with the words "valium, viagra, cialis and xanax."
The challenge: You can't type the words "valium, viagra, cialis and xanax" in the message.
Requirements: No embedded images allowed. No misspellings of words.

Solution? How about ASCII art? Sure, why not!?!


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If only they could use their powers for GOOD....

Finally! ASCII drugs to enhance my enjoyment of ASCII porn.

Does anyone else have the urge to print this out on greenbar?

Got this same one... they're making their Kansas City rounds!

I had the same thougt, unfortunately about a month and a-half later....


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