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April 05, 2007

Have You Ever?

Bubble Some people call it, "Never Have I Ever." Others call it, "I've Never." A few call it, "Well, I Never." And, I think, four people call it, "I Have Never." Whatever it's called in your neck of the woods, I'm talking about the drinking game called, "I Never." This is a game where a statement is made about never having done something, and for those who HAVE done said deed, they take a drink. For example, if the statement "I never hated on a commercial," were made, we all (yes all of us) would have to take a drink.

Usually the game takes place in a bar, basement or campground. But now you can play "I Never" online with your friends who live across the street, or far, far away. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Courtesy of your friends here at Sullivan Higdon & Sink and Houlihan's Restaurants.


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My Jersey buddies seem to be getting a kick out of it.

very nice.

my local Houlihan's wasn't in the drop down list.

Yeah, those locations are worded oddly. If you're in KC, make sure you look at the smaller city names (Fairway, Lenexa, Lee's Summit).

fantastical, but I never got it?

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