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May 22, 2007

Marvel vs. DC.

Conservatives vs. liberals. PCs vs. Macs. DC vs. Marvel. Some tribal skirmishes never grow old. Check out the rest of the series, too.

Side debate: Is Batman really the most Marvelicious of the DC characters? Which characters from which comic universe could or should switch? Let your geek flags fly, people.


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I'd trade the Green Arrow for Hawkeye.

Plastic Man for Mr. Fantastic.

Oh, and of course Captain Marvel for Captain Marvel.

Marvel guy here.

Totally split. I collected 'Tec and Uncanny (Detective Comics featuring Batman and the original X-Men title, for non-geeks) all through my younger years.

Although I will say, Lobo always struck me as more Marvel-like, and Dr. Strange seemed a bit DC to me.

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