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February 11, 2008

Will Ferrell smells like a turtle cage.


Will Ferrell + Old Spice + Semi-Pro Co-brand + user participation = pretty fuckin' awesome. Check it. You really gotta hand it Old Spice and WK. This is one helluva brand renovation that's underway. Irrelevant and cheesy to irreverent and, gulp, potentially cool. One can almost drop Old Spice in the shopping cart without shame.


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Thanks John, these are terrific. Like you guys said, it's almost not fair...

Yeah this campaign kicks major ass. I'm starting to like it more than Axe. I just think type of irreverence and off-the-wall humor better suits this young, notoriously cynical demographic, as opposed to the "you'll get laid!" strategy that many call bullshit on.

Will has a knack for doing the weirdest product tie ins in existence. Can't deny the fact that Old Spice is a perfect fit for Semi Pro though, and hell, you know I'm going to watch it. Thanks for the link though.


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