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Is blogging too much for you? Is micro-blogging too boggling to you? Has tumblr just opened another can of worms that you care to NOT look at? Really, sometimes, all we want (all we need) is one word to describe how we feel.
For those of us desiring just that, in comes Adocu -- specializers of "nano-blogging." Here's what Adocu says about their service:
adocu is a way to let your buddies and the world know what your doing.
Unlike other sites, your posts must be one word long. You can fit whatever you want in that word, just no spaces. That way it stays short and simple.
We like to call it nano-blogging :)
As you might have already figured out, Adocu (please ignore the your/you're grammar mistake on their page, it was probably shortened to make a point) is perfect for all of us in advertising who LoveToMakeUpOurOwnWords -- aka, URLs. Better yet, this is perfect for those of us that make up those one word/sentence tags (just take out the spaces!).
In any case, this is the latest craze that probably won't take flight, but is interesting to check out.
Sorry, I suppose I could've just said: thisprobablywon'tgoanywherebutwhoknows.
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