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This spot has been around awhile, but I hadn't seen it until this weekend. On Father's Day, actually. Maybe it was the mood of the day, but this just jumped out of TV and slapped me around a little in terms of relevance. A great example of the right spot placed at just the right time. Creating spots like this seems deceptively simple. Oh, hell you just take a quote from an interview Earl did a few years ago and cut together some old footage. But crafting a spot this tight and this on strategy out of found material is, in no way, as easy as it sounds. WK is just so damn good at this stuff. The Magnificent Bastards strike again.
File under: marketing to men.
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Everything I need to know about advertising I learned from Star Wars
I also saw it and it got to me for about a million reasons. Though he ruined Rocco's Cinderella Story, Tiger proved why no one is near him on the field.
Posted by:Joker | June 27, 2008 at 02:40 PM