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May 21, 2009

AC #62 Now Available

The Everyone Must Calm Down Edition.

Tug and John release a few months of advertising frustration and end up on several high horses.

0:00     Google the Herculoids
8:08     We Still Like Hulu
8:52     Adventures in Fast Food (Would You Like Controversy With That?)
16:59    "Well, Can't We Just..."
18:40    Bad Copy That Caught Our Eye
20:34    Read Topic Suggestion Sets Us Off
32:38    Mother's Day Advertising
35:38    Bonus Track
36:35    Too Much Beer Track (From a Lost Episode)

It's been a long time coming. So, why wait any longer?


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Brilliant episode, boys! I've missed you.

While I usually share your lighthearted view on the industry, and on life in general, I have to say that I particularly agree with the thoughts in this episode.

I have been ranting for years about the terrible black magic of the word "just" and how it is used to condescend and falsely simplify a situation. Tug, thank you for using a Photoshop example to illustrate how people attempt to manipulate the "time-labour continuum" without thoughts for the agency folks working their butts off.

And about Mr. Tropicana, yes, he's a douche. I read that Newsweek article, but had to pause halfway through to vomit. Not to throw stones in our own glass house, but that dude is pretty much exactly what's wrong with our industry, and all creative professions for that matter. Thank you for resurrecting the "I'm so creative" quip, I'm going to renew my efforts to spread that among my friends.

You mentioned a word or two about the economy, but I'm curious to hear how it has affected you and your agencies directly. I've met a number of people here in New York who have been cut loose from huge agencies, but most of those agencies are oversized and bloated to begin with. Have their been layoffs or reshuffles in the Midwest? (if you're not really allowed to talk about internal stuff, I totally understand.)

oops, I meant "have there" in the second to last line. Typo, I swear. I passed 4th grade!

Here is the :60 of the Kay spot.

Herculoids! The original celebrated curiously strong family.

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