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May 11, 2009

Wii would like to see more ads like this, Nintendo.

Remember back in the good ol' days, when men were men and gamers were mostly virgins? When Mario's party was getting busted up by the cops and not crashed by your mom? Well back in those days, friends, there was a little game called Mike Tyson's, I mean Alleged Rapist's, I mean Ear Chomper's Punch-Out!!

We all played it, and we didn't have any fancy motion-sensing controllers to help us knock Glass Joe or King Hippo the f%&* out. No, back in those days we used good, old-fashioned button mashing to take down our 8-bit foes. Well, friends, Punchout!!! is back, and I'll be the first to say that while the jury is out on gameplay until the 18th, the new TV spot is decidedly awesome.


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I wonder if the secret codes will still work in-between rounds?

Simple beats PS3 over the top style ads.

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