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When I first started in the agency business, computers were already used extensively (although where I started all the Macs were networked in one big room). Even so, every art director still had a drawing board and a fine set of Rapidograph pens in his or her office. More often than not, numerious exactos were hurled into the ceiling. We also had a hot wax machine for the paste-up guys which was also occasionlly utilized as a torture chamber for unfortunate insects. An awesome post from Adbroad reminisces about more of the great stuff the art directors used to have laying around. For more check out the Museum of Forgotten Art Supplies.
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Everything I need to know about advertising I learned from Star Wars
We had a waxer in our newspaper production studio back when I worked for my school paper in 1998-99. Our advisor, who later became quite a mentor to me, demanded that for every layout we do thumbnail sketches, then paper paste-ups, then finally, the computer layout (in Quark). It was a hassle, but I'm glad I went through it.
Posted by:Prescott Perez-Fox | June 24, 2009 at 10:24 PM
I still have scars from the hot wax machine. Horrible, horrible scars. ::shivers::
Posted by:Chad Wright | June 24, 2009 at 11:27 PM
Rapidographs and the proportion scale are things I still have/use, just keep the rubylith away from me.
Posted by:shaun Crockett | June 25, 2009 at 11:12 AM