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Look, everyone else has already covered what some have reported as the "first television ad ever to run in North Korea." But, as you know, beer is one of our favorite topics.
1. The copy of the ad reportedly promises that beer relieves stress, improves health and lengthen life. We thank The Great Leader for allowing truth in advertising.
2. We have a case of good American beer for anyone who works that Wii-on-crack soundtrack into a real project.
3. Seriously.
4. This spot proves the old adage, "When in doubt, use reverb."
5. By the by, Don Pardo has some real competition in Korea.
6. AKA Mr. Black and MK12 can suck eggs. The motion graphics here rule. Some of those Korean characters look like they're made out of real chrome! That's the kind of stuff we thought only Nebraska Furniture Mart could pull off.
7. That North Korean waitress is not wearing 37 pieces of flair.
8. The Sam Adams guys can learn something from this spot. Beer-making employees look most concerned with quality when wearing white lab coats.
9. Why do we feel like that beer mug is made out of lead glass?
10. Just can't help but wonder if this is the kind of craftsmanship that went into North Korea's nuclear missiles?
11. If there's TV to be done in North Korea can a giant holding company office be far behind? McCann Pyongyang anyone?
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Everything I need to know about advertising I learned from Star Wars
With that zany soundtrack, I kept waiting for Mario to bust in and save the Princess.
Posted by:KFAD | July 09, 2009 at 11:10 AM
I thought white labcoats were reserved for beauty product commercials. Although with foam like that who can tell the difference?
Posted by:Richard Tseng | July 10, 2009 at 10:53 PM