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August 17, 2010

What happens when you stop trying to be all things to all people? You win.


I just came across this ad campaign today and am loving every minute of it. I love the fact that Piperlime is asking ladies to take a stand against sneakers, sweatpants and flip flops.

But what I love most is that, according to this, they understand the ramifications of taking such a stand. They know that some people simply aren't going to like it. And they've decided that's ok.

It appears that Piperlime (and Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners) understand that it's better for some to love you and some to hate you than for all to feel indifferent about you.

The proof is in the "likes" and the chatter:

Despite its critics, the campaign has generated plenty of interest on Facebook. According to Piperlime, its "likes" increased 934% between the weeks of Aug. 2 and Aug. 9, while there was a 479% increase to the number of comments on the page.

Way to go guys. Today, we salute your bravery (and marketing smarts, too.)


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