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September 10, 2010

Monstrous Truth

As many creatives are, I tend to carry around a healthy amount of self-loathing, fear, paranoia and self-doubt with me on a day to day basis. That's why this little gem from VirusComix's amazing Subnormality comic strip struck a chord with me.




Those little monsters made me laugh, think, nearly cry and smile, all in under a minute. I still can't decide which one rings more true, but for now, I have the purple monster in a rainstorm set as my desktop background.

Anyway, we hope it's been another wonderful week in advertising for all of you. Now go home, drink a beer and watch some football this weekend. Except for Kansas fans -- you guys might want to find something else to do on Saturdays until basketball season comes around.


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This is just great. Thanks for posting!

oh ,my god,it is sop terrible.
hehe it is funny.

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