Great spot. Great idea to release the "unseen footage." Relieved and happy that they never gave into the temptation to actually levitate anything in the final cut. I like the reverse of Mom and Dad, too.
AC #68: The Super Bowl 45 Edition
Bites and Bytes from John amd Tug's Super Bowl Party. What scored? What bored? Listen up to opinions from John and Tug plus a whole ton of AC friends. And remember kiddies, AC is NSFW.
Looking for a second or 10th opinion? Check out what the Ad Hole Jason Fox has to say (note: he does not always agree with us).
Neither does Bill Green.
And check out all the good stuff from the AC community on Twitter at #acbowl
Record a comment from your computer right now. Be pithy.
Everything I need to know about advertising I learned from Star Wars