Somebody has finally said what we've all known for a long time now – that big brewers worry more about their latest gimmick than their actual brew. Well done, Breckenridge Brewery. Well done.
Oh, how many times have I given my own children "the finger." Thanks for the find Sir Ernie.
Cool idea by DPZ Propaganda in Sao Paulo. Here's the Heinz Dip & Squeeze. Via Ads of The World.
Frankly, it's probably about time we put our mouths where our clients' money is. Er, you get what I mean.
Holy schnikes is this awesome. If you're a parent, you will not be able to hold it together. Fine, fine stuff from Google. And that closing line, "the web is what you make of it" is terrific.
Record a comment from your computer right now. Be pithy.
Everything I need to know about advertising I learned from Star Wars