I love the jingle, I love the look of the thing, I love the fact that the big voice announcer-style is STILL with us. Saw it here.
Great spot. Great homage. Great production. And gee whiz, did I get a -- wait for it -- product benefit in there? I think I did. Thanks to Mumaw for pointing it out.
Holy schnikes is this awesome. If you're a parent, you will not be able to hold it together. Fine, fine stuff from Google. And that closing line, "the web is what you make of it" is terrific.
Great spot. Great idea to release the "unseen footage." Relieved and happy that they never gave into the temptation to actually levitate anything in the final cut. I like the reverse of Mom and Dad, too.
Oh, thank you @radioshack! How did you know I was so sick and so bored of Santa and elves and warm holiday scenes and, most of all, rewritten Christmas carols. This is just what I wanted. It's fresh and fun and, gasp, benefit driven. God bless you @radioshack. And God bless us, everyone.
Seriously, this is the most disturbing thing I've seen since the Lion Lady.
Honestly, I get this spot and think it's kind of funny. But, shit, it is CREEPY.
The Magnificent Bastards score. Seriously, this is a stunner. My very favorite thing in a very long time. Thanks to Hey Whipple for the find.
Stay with it till the end. I promise you it's worth it. Happy Thanksgiving from us and ours to you and yours.
As JJ and I have talked about many times on the podcast, we're both suckers for infomercials and old-time product demos. And the recently passed Billy Mays was truly one of the best ever to grace the nether regions of our cable channel lineup while we were sucking down Taco Bell at 3 in the morning.
And though many of these products seem kind of stupid, you're wrong if you don't think I want some of those Hercules Hooks™! Shout out to Neatorama.
Record a comment from your computer right now. Be pithy.
Everything I need to know about advertising I learned from Star Wars