AC #68: The Super Bowl 45 Edition
Bites and Bytes from John amd Tug's Super Bowl Party. What scored? What bored? Listen up to opinions from John and Tug plus a whole ton of AC friends. And remember kiddies, AC is NSFW.
Looking for a second or 10th opinion? Check out what the Ad Hole Jason Fox has to say (note: he does not always agree with us).
Neither does Bill Green.
And check out all the good stuff from the AC community on Twitter at #acbowl
It would seem the magnificent bastards at W+K, sorry CP+B, do, in fact, understand the glory of college basketball. With apologies to our MU fans, Rock Chalk.
If you're not a big sports fan, and/or don't visit sports news web sites that often, (why do they still use that url anyway?) recently underwent an overhaul. They did quite a bit of re-vamping to the site to accommodate more imagery, video and columns. The changes, in my opinion, are nice and do a good job of showcasing the news they want to highlight.
As someone that has worked on extensive web redesigns in the past, I know that when you're re-tooling a site that contains more than content, like advertising, you're planning for a LOT more than just your own infrastructure. It appears that ESPN did that, to some degree.
The homepage now features an area where an expandable flash ad can be placed almost seamlessly with the page design. To further that notion, ESPN has also included users the ability to expand/collapse the ad before it plays through and collapses on its own. The problem is that ESPN either didn't give the advertiser, Sprint, the banner specs -- or Sprint didn't abide by them. Because I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't want my company's logo covered up for whatever price I'm paying to be on ESPN's web site.
Has anyone encountered something like this with their banner advertising and was it fixed in your favor?
Although our opinion on the Super Bowl is really the final word (I mean, come on), we do truly welcome your thoughts on this year's Super Bowl spots. Tug and I will be recording the podcast during the game. You can play along two ways. If you Twitter you can get a message to us with an @americopywriter reply or direct message. Or you can use the handy/dandy Mobasoft audio comment system. This year, we're considering more than just simple liked it/didn't like it. We're going to also consider "is it Super Bowl worthy?" A spot may be good, but fail to shine brightly enough for advertising's biggest stage. Our motto is, go big or go home. Our guess? Coke or Bud will win the day. But, like they say, this is why we play the game. Both Tug and I have strived to remain spoiler-free refraining from viewing pre-released spots in order to give you our virgin opinions. So, hunker down, get your snack on and enjoy advertising's biggest day. Cheers.
Great art direction. Great concept. Oh, and great sell for Coke, too.
In this ROI-conscious world there are many who will tell you that it is easier, smarter and safer to focus only on function. Function, after all, is the point. Form is for sissies who only care about "winning awards." Form is fuzzy and full of risk. Form is a concern for artists not coldly efficient business people. Save this photo to remind those people (and yourself) that the right form multiplies function. The right form makes function transcendent. The right form reaches out and changes the opinion of the whole, wide world.
Those in the know will love what they see here. What seems arcane to an outsider is pure poetry to an insider, and that can make an ad highly polarizing and highly relevant. A formula often ignored and/or feared by brands.
Hat tip to Did You Ever Notice?
File under: Marketing to Men
If you're like me, one of the ways you fill your sports void during the summer is by watching baseball following the Tour de France. I think it's an amazing race that has been getting way too much negative publicity as of late because the riders have made the incredibly poor decisions to use performance-enhancing drugs.
This year was supposed to be the year that they were going to "Take Back the Tour," but there has already been several riders banned because they were doping... again. Le sigh.
But now, for those of you that DO enjoy watching/following The Tour, you can now do so in the comfort of your own personal computer space with Pro Cycling Manager 2008.
I haven't played it, but among the things I'd think you'd be able to do include:
Okay so maybe you won't do the last one, but it would definitely be a possible plot angle -- especially when there are games like Grand Theft Auto and Hitman out there. Something to ponder, no?
This spot has been around awhile, but I hadn't seen it until this weekend. On Father's Day, actually. Maybe it was the mood of the day, but this just jumped out of TV and slapped me around a little in terms of relevance. A great example of the right spot placed at just the right time. Creating spots like this seems deceptively simple. Oh, hell you just take a quote from an interview Earl did a few years ago and cut together some old footage. But crafting a spot this tight and this on strategy out of found material is, in no way, as easy as it sounds. WK is just so damn good at this stuff. The Magnificent Bastards strike again.
File under: marketing to men.
Record a comment from your computer right now. Be pithy.
Everything I need to know about advertising I learned from Star Wars