February 06, 2012

AC #70 is super. And it's here!

The They Forgot To Make It Super Edition

Tug and I (along with a pretty mouthy community at #acbowl12) dish about this year's ads. Some of it worked, some of it didn't, and nearly all of it fell well below the high water mark of year's past.

Give it a listen and let us know your thoughts!


February 10, 2011

Vader Outtakes.

Great spot. Great idea to release the "unseen footage." Relieved and happy that they never gave into the temptation to actually levitate anything in the final cut. I like the reverse of Mom and Dad, too.

February 07, 2011

AC #68 Now Available

Screen shot 2011-02-07 at 12.05.17 AM


AC #68: The Super Bowl 45 Edition

Bites and Bytes from John amd Tug's Super Bowl Party. What scored? What bored? Listen up to opinions from John and Tug plus a whole ton of AC friends. And remember kiddies, AC is NSFW. 

Looking for a second or 10th opinion? Check out what the Ad Hole Jason Fox has to say (note: he does not always agree with us).

Neither does Bill Green.

And check out all the good stuff from the AC community on Twitter at #acbowl

January 13, 2010

Super Bowl's Greatest Commercials?

Of this group, I like the CareerBuilder spot from last year the best. But I think they forgot a couple.

Which ones am I missing?

June 23, 2009

R.I.P Ed McMahon

So long Ed. Here's hoping you and Carson are doing a show up there tonight.

February 02, 2009

#AC 61 Now Available

AC 61 The Super Bowl 43 Listen In Edition

Tug and John sit down with their families to take in the spectacle of Super Bowl 43. Listen in to real time reactions, loads of baby cooing and sharp-tongued post-beer analysis.

Chapter 1: Preamble

Chapter 2: Faith & John (5:37)

Chapter 3: First Half Listen-in (6:50)

Chapter 4: First Half Analysis (14:12)

Chapter 5: Second Half Listen-in (18:22)

Chapter 6: Second Half Analysis (25:54)

Chapter 7: Post Script (31:19)

How did you thoughts match with ours? Find out now.

February 01, 2009

Two ways to be part of our Super Bowl podcast

Sb43_mark Although our opinion on the Super Bowl is really the final word (I mean, come on), we do truly welcome your thoughts on this year's Super Bowl spots. Tug and I will be recording the podcast during the game. You can play along two ways. If you Twitter you can get a message to us with an @americopywriter reply or direct message. Or you can use the handy/dandy Mobasoft audio comment system. This year, we're considering more than just simple liked it/didn't like it. We're going to also consider "is it Super Bowl worthy?" A spot may be good, but fail to shine brightly enough for advertising's biggest stage. Our motto is, go big or go home. Our guess? Coke or Bud will win the day. But, like they say, this is why we play the game. Both Tug and I have strived to remain spoiler-free refraining from viewing pre-released spots in order to give you our virgin opinions.  So, hunker down, get your snack on and enjoy advertising's biggest day. Cheers.

February 04, 2008

Miller High Life Delivery Guy Talks Super Bowl Ads

Talk about timely, funny and well-played - the Miller High Life guy is back and this time he's trying to deliver common sense to Super Bowl advertisers. Well done, Miller. Well done indeed.

February 04, 2008

AC Super Bowl '08 Wrap Now Available

The Super Bowl '08 Wrap

John and Tug get up too early and draw far too many hasty conclusions about what worked and what didn't. Listen and tell us where we got it right and wrong.

Happy Super Monday.

February 03, 2008

Maybe the most relevant super ad we'll see today.


A click leads you here to play a surprisingly engaging and difficult advergame. And yeah, I added Alka-Seltzer to today's shopping list. Well played, Speedy. Well played.

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Everything I need to know about advertising I learned from Star Wars